Cloudflare Outage takes many popular websites offline today due to some unknown cause, as stated by the company.

Cloudflare is the most popular and reliable company that protect websites from malicious attacks as well as makes a website secure and smooth while browsing.

its CDN technology powers many sites which significantly improves website speed, Cloudflare works as a pathway between the users and the websites.

This Cloudflare Outage broadly impacts many popular sites including Discord, Shopify, Canva, Twitter, Medium, and Zerodha. All are down for some time today.

As soon as companies starting reported these issues on social media, Cloudflare comes to action immediately and found the causing issue.

And within 2 hrs, Company identified the outage and fixed the issue as well as informed their users that all are services are now operational on Cloudflare.

Cloudflare also faced similar issues in the past so it is not a good sign for the company which claims to provide consistency throughout the network experience.

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